‘Helping Kids Write’ Mini-Series

Does your child say their hands hurt or are sore? 
Is your child not interested in or resistant to writing?
Do you want to learn where to start to help your child develop skills for pencil control and writing? 
Have you just been told your child has an awkward pencil grip or is struggling to write?
Are you on a waitlist for Occupational Therapy but want to get started helping your child now? 
Are you starting out OT and want to understand the concepts more so you can better help your child? 
In this mini-series, using my 22 years experience as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist, I will show you how to figure out the sensory and motor skills your child needs to develop to improve their writing, and demonstrate some sensorimotor activities to get you started on developing their pencil control through fun and connection with you.
Hear what others have said about this mini-series: 
“The mini-series was invaluable. Pitched at the right level with lots of tips and tricks. We’ve already put some of the exercises into practice with our son; he is really enjoying them and is noticeably calmer and engaged after them. Thank you.”

“I loved that these sessions were “bite-sized” not to overwhelming.”

“Munira’s Helping Kids Write mini-series provided an incredibly insightful and accessible summary of the challenges facing children as they learn to write, and the ways that parents, carers and educational staff can help them develop the necessary strength, control and confidence. I learned so much from the videos and have come away with lots of ideas to try out with my son.”

“Some very useful ideas and advice I have not heard before.”

“Nice to see the exercises demonstrated by Mohamed, it is much easier to understand when things are demonstrated.”

“Experiencing your wonderfully natural and clear way of sharing your knowledge on the subject. And all the suggestions for activities including the demonstrations from your son. I also found the section on sensory processing incredibly helpful – one of the descriptions fitted my son exactly and it explains a lot of things about his behaviours.”

“I am so glad I watched this mini series and thought how much you have a passion for helping children. I found you totally accessible (understandable) and clear and practical. I thought you broke things down really well, so there was no sense of overwhelm.”

“So grateful to finally be able to understand the meaning behind the issues i have been experiencing with my daughter’s writing skills while homeschooling this year. The presentation via video was an easy to understand format, containing just the right amount of technical knowledge & great examples for everyone to understand. Thank you”

“I just loved your overall philosophy and approach: very child-lead, respectful, loving”

“It’s been heartbreaking and frustrating seeing my child suffer with writing and not knowing where to get help it was massive relief when I came across your video series it has lifted a big weight and feel confident that I can now help my child with your suggestions.”

By the end of this mini-series you will:

  • have a better idea of why your child is struggling with their pencil grasp and writing 
  • know where to start to help your child
  • have some practical strategies and activities to put into action with your child to improve pencil control